در اينجا توضيحاتي در مورد استانداردها FITTING از جمله NPT , BSP , ANقرار دادم اميدورام مفيد باشه:
Following are the standards that are popularly followed by companies around the world:
NPT (National Pipe Taper)
It is the most common U.S. standard for pipe fittings. NPT fittings are measured on the internal diameter of the fitting. NPT ports and fittings are both tapered (unlike AN threads that are straight)
When threaded together, the NPT design creates a wedging effect, binding the thread in order to seal. The use of a thread sealant is common and required with NPT, as it does not consistently create a positive seal on its own, like an O-Ring configuration. When NPT is sufficiently tight, a number of threads show on the adapter fitting making NPT assemblies bulkier and less clean appearing
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